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Current Swim Hours & Rules

 ( updated:  September, 2024)

Summer is over and no  more wristbands; however,​  all guests MUST be accompanied by a resident.  

Everyone is expected to shower before entering the pool.  Pool hours are from 6 am to 10 pm daily except during scheduled activity and/or maintenance.

 The pool and spa are closed every Monday from 10:30am-11:30am for pool maintenance.

   Children age 5 - 14 years may swim as a guest when accompanied by a resident only during posted times.

Children under 5 years old are not allowed in the pool area.

   No one under the age of 14 years is allowed in the spa.

   No diving or jumping into the water is allowed, no rough play, and no running on the deck. 

   Lap swimming is permitted except when there is a scheduled class or activity. Consideration and courtesy are necessary so everyone can enjoy their time at the pool. 

   Please call security if you see anyone breaking the rules or being abusive to others, do not try to handle it yourself.  We pay security to handle these things.

Residents who bring guests must stay at the pool with their guests.

There is no food allowed at the pool.

 * * * *


From the Recreation Department: January 2025

Attention All Lap Swimmers:

A recent change to the swimming reservations system has prohibited lap swimmers from making reservations over 168 hours (exactly 7 days) before the desired swim time.  Before this change, reservations could be made 7 days out beginning at midnight on the seventh day before.  The prior system was put into place so swimmers would not lose any of their allotted 40 minutes trying to reserve the same time 7 days later.  After feedback from lap swimmers and the Swim and Wellness Club, we will be restoring the prior reservation time system.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


The remainder of the reservation system remains in place:  
Reservation time slots begin at 6:00 am and end at 8:40 am.
Reservations will consist of two twenty-minute sessions, for a total of 40 minutes per user (6:00 am, 6:40 am, 7:20 am, 8:00 am). Each household will be limited to 4 reservations a week, Monday through Sunday. Lap swimming during the remainder of the day remains unaffected.

Lap swimming is reserved for adult residents who are swimming laps.  Lap swimming does not include walkers, noodlers, or floaters.


Sharing lanes with other swimmers is encouraged.  If adult guests wish to swim during lap swimming hours they must be accompanied by and share the lane with their sponsoring resident.  Guests are not allowed to swim alone during lap swimming hours.


Reservations can be made online via the link on the community website under Recreation/ Recreation Calendar or by downloading the Skedda app.

You may also make reservations by telephone to the Clubhouse at 760-758-8772.  If you make a reservation and then realize you cannot attend, please cancel online or call the Clubhouse to cancel, so we may accommodate other users. 
Anyone ignoring or misusing the reservation system could be subject to suspension from morning lap swimming.

To facilitate optimum lap swimming with the lane lines in place, the lines will be set up from 7:00 pm until pool closing at 10:00 pm. During this time the lanes will be used on a first-come, first-served basis. 

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January Club Meeting



1:30-3 PM



You are invited to a discussion on strengthening emotional well-being by reducing stress and conflict in challenging times.

Leaders from the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will discuss how our differences form and sometimes intensify. We will learn skills to help us through these difficult moments. 

Please join us for this non-partisan dialogue.

Friends On A Walk

(Swim Clinic Crew)


Our July Swim Clinic is officially on the books and a very successful event it was.  Fifteen OHCC residents gathered on 3 Saturdays to work on swimming skills.  Some were starting from scratch and learning to put their faces in the water.  Others wanted a touch-up on their strokes or to learn proper breathing technique. We saw lots of progress!  Many thanks go to our volunteer instructors - Robin Ryan, Ken Krueger, Lynn Topar and Phil Topar.  These 4 put in hours of time, patiently encouraging and teaching. Here is an example of a beginner class at the first session:  “We began in the shallow end with submersion and opening eyes under water, acclimating to goggles and breathing exercises.  There was bobbing, prone floating and then we began swimming freestyle for just one breath.” Other levels of competence found instructors correcting form and encouraging the next step to smooth strokes.  Swimmers in the 55+ age group sometimes find they struggle with rotation breathing.  A great alternative can be learning the correct use of a center-mounted snorkel and short fins. This, too, was learned by some participants. 


Some instructor comments:

+These women are brave and willing! I hope to see you next summer at the clinic! 

+The participants were courageous, they overcame their fears and discomfort and succeeded at every  single thing they were asked to do.


Here are some comments from participants:

+ I really appreciate that you found such great swimming teachers.  Thank you!

+ Thank you for putting on this clinic.  I learned so much and feel much more confident in the water. 

+ The clinic was great.  I so appreciate the time and energy from the instructors.  I’m glad I came!


The annual Swim Clinic has been going on for many years.  We have always been committed to teaching our members proper swim strokes and breathing techniques. Maybe next summer will be your time to try it out. Don't give up until you feel the magic!


Classes are typically scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:00am. The cost per Aqua Fitness session is $5.00.  Contact Leesa Singer at for more information.

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